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USA: +1 866 767 7019
India: +91-20-40149515


Data security is the top priority at Global Transcripts. Before the onset of a project, we get into a Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement with our customers. Our team and every employee associated with the project are required to sign this agreement with Global Transcripts. This is done to ensure our customers of top level security measures that are implemented in handling their data.

Secured Employee Login System

  • Secure remote access through VPN
  • Desktop and enterprise applications single sign-on
  • Email with digital signatures

Secure transfers or streaming is used by our system for the following

  • Handling of voice files and other forms of data
  • Delivery of completed information

Only industry standard access and encryption techniques are used for storing data on our servers. We are well aware of the fact that the reputation of your company depends on safe data usage and our team will never give you a chance to complain.

Secured Workstations

Employees at Global Transcripts are extremely trustworthy and purpose-built safeguards have been implemented at every juncture to protect client data. Their workstations are also secured with:

  • Anti-virus protection and back-up drive manager
  • Auditing, monitoring and reporting facilities
  • No hardware resources available on our network


As a leading provider of medical transcription services, security standards of Global Transcripts meet guidelines established in different HIPAA categories. From administrative procedures and security services to security mechanisms and physical safeguards, everything has been taken care of.

We ensure compliance with strict US healthcare requirements to assure our clients of high security measures. Our aim is to offer you security systems that are at par or above industry standards. You don’t have to be concerned about misuse of private information outside your company anymore.

Why Choose Us?

Security arrangements made by Global Transcripts make outsourcing secure and effective. High quality workforce coupled with security standards makes us one of the leading and sought-after service providers. We not just ensure privacy and confidentiality but also deliver quality work in a short turnaround time. Avail our cost-effective business solutions and give us a chance to serve you.

Quick Contact

You guys have always done an excellent job. Very accurate and always deliver the work on time. You also offer a great value for the fine work that you do . . .
- Dr. Marder

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